Global Peace Summit: An Important Step to End the War, Denys Kostrzhevskyi Global Peace Summit 14 May 2024

Global Peace Summit: An Important Step to End the War, Denys Kostrzhevskyi

The Global Peace Summit to be held on 15–16th June in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, is currently unlikely to bring about any significant change. However, it will be an important step towards the end of the war, Denys Kostrzhevskyi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kyiv International Airport, said.

He believes that participation in the summit of the countries of the Global South, Africa, and China, which take a neutral position or are undecided, will be a clear signal for the Russian Federation.

A joint specific peace plan is to be adopted at the summit on the basis of the Ukrainian peace formula and to be agreed by all the participants. “This can be a start for the preparation of the next event, this time with the participation of Russia. However, we should not overestimate our expectations and wait for global changes.

Most likely, Ukraine will also receive additional security guarantees and new allies among the ‘neutral’ ones. That’s all for now”, Mr Kostrzhevskyi suggests.

While analysing the latest personnel changes in the Russian government, in particular the replacement of the Minister of Defence with an economist, Mr Kostrzhevskyi believes that this may indicate the start of an audit in the Ministry of Defence for further redistribution of resources for the war in Ukraine.

Therefore, Ukraine should enlist not only the declarative support of the world at the summit. The aggressor can be stopped by force or lack of resources to wage the war.

The more countries in the world limit or break economic ties with the RF, the sooner the Russians will be ready to cease the aggression”, he states.

The civilised world has to put pressure on Moscow with sanctions and restrictions in order to subsequently open the way for the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula. Without pressure from global players, Russia will not agree to any terms.